Chamber Of Commerce Youth Leadership Programs
Youth Leadership 2020 • Provides an opportunity for area high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to join together and learn about our community. Program objectives include: Identifying potential leaders; Nurturing leadership skills; Providing opportunities to practice leadership skills; Establishing effective dialogue in relationships; Promoting leadership in the schools; Promoting involvement as young citizens; Developing mutual trust and respect; Acquainting participants with community needs & opportunities; and Challenging participants to develop their leadership potential. Contact Person – Elisa Britt .
Leadership Glynn Leadership Glynn is a prestigious program that provides a diverse group of existing and emerging leaders with a unique opportunity to experience the many facets of Glynn County – readying them for the challenges of tomorrow. The program graduates on average 30 participants annually. The purpose and goal of Leadership Glynn is to develop informed leaders and channel their ideas and experiences toward community resources, issues and concerns to help direct the future of the Brunswick and Glynn County areas. Medal Of Honor Warfighter Download Kickass. Joe My Name Is Joe Rares more. This 10-month program offers a behind-the-scenes look into our education system, local government, the judicial system, local economics, and the health system. Also included is a trip to Atlanta to foster better understanding of our state government by meeting with top elected officials and department heads. A call for nominations occurs annually in July, with applications due towards the end of August.
The program begins in September with a kick-off event and concludes in June with graduation. Youth Leadership Glynn Youth Leadership Glynn is a program for high school students with strong leadership potential. Principals and guidance counselors select 25-30 students to participate each year. The students will be exposed to subjects dealing with local government, team building skills, economic development, local industry and coastal and environmental issues, just to name a few.

The objectives of Youth Leadership Glynn include: • To identify outstanding high school juniors and seniors who have demonstrated leadership qualities and concern for the community. • To present in-depth programs that will acquaint the students with community needs, opportunities, and resources and provide interaction with community leaders and decision makers. • To develop an understanding of leadership qualities and team building skills. • To provide opportunities for students from different areas to get to know one another and develop a level of mutual respect and trust. Youth Leadership Glynn consists of seven sessions throughout the year and is an excellent way for youth to develop and foster interest in the community that they will inherit, while inspiring them to become successful leaders of tomorrow.
The program begins in September and concludes in May.
Provides an opportunity for area high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to join together and learn about our community. Program objectives include: Identifying potential leaders; Nurturing leadership skills; Providing opportunities to practice leadership skills; Establishing effective dialogue in.