Courtyard Houses A Housing Typology Pdf Free
Courtyard Housing Study Djingis Khan and The Kingo Houses Danny Bridson. Lund University. Courtyard Housing: An Introduction The courtyard housing typology.
The waywe live is a directtransformation of social structures, politics, religi onandtoposand, as such, mirrors society. Methodsof construction andma terials employed turn thevarioustypes of residential dwellings into products of the conditionsof their context, e.g. The immediate spatial surroundings, the climate, flora and fauna, etc. Thus, complex house types evolved such as the Greek and Roman peristyle house, the Chinese and Islamiccourtyard house and the various European farmhouse types. The urban structures of districts and housing developments in cities like Berlin, Hamburg, Amster dam, Paris or Venice werefounded on the typological particularities of their residential buildings. Inthe ageof globalisation, it seems that the characteristics of the different types of dwellings with their particular regional features have been forgot ten. Career Switcher Program Va Gmu Campus. Technical innovationsenable andencourage the disappearance of local, passive regulatory systems that weresimpleandecological.
Onesimple residential house type is the Black Forest house, which represents a cultural form of living, working, security, and continuity. This house type effectively reacts onthe given conditions, exploitspossibilities, andcombines afarmyard, stable, harvest shed anddwellingto form oneunit underasingle roof.It is adirectimageof thesocialstructure within itscultural andeconomic context. Season-related dailywork routines permeate shape, function and structure of the house and result in an authentic and ecologic house type that is simple yet highlycomplex.
To continue developing existing building types in an intelligent way is a crucial task in the field of residential building. A deeper understanding of the underlying types is indispensable for the success of the individual design, as well as for ensuring that tried and tested structures can be utilized, repeated, and varied in a wide variety of situations. For this typology of residential buildings, the authors have developed systematic new presentations of the most innovative types. Each individual volume lays out the possibilities for using and transforming a particular form of residential structure. Folder Lock Software For Nokia 2690 Free Download.
The first volume deals with the various types of the courtyard house, which utilizes the courtyard as an intimate outdoor living space. A presentation of the courtyard as a building block of the city is followed by coverage of the complete spectrum of types - cluster, network, carpet, terraces, etc. The second volume is devoted to the various types of row house, a particularly widespread form of residential structure. A general discussion of the row as organizing principle - the row as urban building block, linear space, ways of handling corners - is followed by the systematic presentation of the different types.

Within each type, variants are distinguished according to how they organize space, their number of floors, etc. The range of possible solutions is presented in uniform ground plans newly drawn to scale.