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Hi James, Welcome to the MSDN Forum. Before you do any changes with your code, please modify this line code first: txtDOB.Text = ScanTemp. Body Fit Exercise Bike Manual. Substring(Mid(ScanTemp, 'DAA', 8)), here is the article of the details:, the seconds parameter of the Mid function is a integer number.
And here is the article about substring:. I hope this will be helpful. Best regards, Mike Feng [MSFT] MSDN Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This is my current code.

Deutz Tbd 616 Manual Transmission. Free driver license barcode generator downloads - Collection of driver license barcode generator freeware. Extracting Data from pdf417 such as Drivers License.
Hi James, All your questions are this one? ' When this code is scanned it does not pick the name out of the Line begining AAMV. I know I have to change the Line.SubString Some way but how?' Am I correct? When you read this line 'AAMVADL00290179DAACTLIC,ADULT,A', just put it in a string variable maybe named adressStr. This code will get the adress: adressStr = adressStr.substring(3) please try again. Best regards, Mike Feng [MSFT] MSDN Community Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
The line does not always begin with AAMVA With that in mind how can we search for DAA As you see in the following sometimes 'ANSI' begins the line Here is copy of some raw scan data as seen by IDAutomation Barcode Scanner ASCII String Decoder.