Official Patch 9 6 Gp40t06avg00
►Welcome To Channel Rean Tech Hello friends my name rean I like PES 2017 so much and also play it everyday so this channel I created for sharing my experience game. My videos was create is talk about PES 2017, installation Patch for PES 2017, Graphics Menu, Scoreboard, PitchMod, Sweetfx, fix DLC error. If you like this video don't forget leave by subscribe, like, comment and share to your friends.
►Link Download: ►More Video: ●[ PES 2017 ] Tattoo Pack ► ●[ PES 2017 ] Professionals Patch 3.5 Update ► ●[ PES 2017 ] AutoSwitcher 6.0 FINAL ► ►Credits: KONAMI SMOKE PATCH ►Background Music: Song: Electric Joy Ride - Origin [NCS Release] Music provide by NoCoprightSounds Watch: ►Blogger: ►Google+: ►Facebook: ►Subscribe Youtube Channel.
Find it as usual on The Patches Scrolls: Changelog: v9.6 ---- +Fixed warform-weapons bug, moved Yugo to pier and limo onto street. +Adjusted some weapon damages for plus and restored some for basic. +Added shake to forklift hit and improved two friend emails timings. +Fixed museum areaportal and small texture issues, thanks Psycho-A. +Added door to SM haven bathroom and masquerade area outside museum.
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+Mentioned Clan Lasombra in the world loading tips, thanks to IanW. Corrected bad elevator light at Red Dragon and Jezebel's door lock. Fixed decapitation shot and restored basic drugbox value and rain. Unified keypad sounds and fixed wrong detection and sounds on Dane.
Fixed museum door not being locked and some minor dialogue issues. Lowered Asylum music volume after loading and fixed minor map bugs. Added original Japanese and Russian words to translated subtitles. Fixed Society of Leopold map hole and reduced artefacts over beach.
Updated SDK and fixed audio loop at Fu Syndicate, thanks Psycho-A. Made manholes in Venture Tower cellar and Ocean House sewers close. Fixed bad Kerri dialogue start and delayed Jeanette and Ming ones. Used autoexec.cfg to fix talk dsp sound and frame rate door issues. Enhanced some areaportals at Leopold Society and Giovanni Mansion. Recompiled Kamikaze Zen and Zhao's Warehouse maps to fix some bugs.
Fixed Nosferatu causing Masquerade violations exiting Luckee Star. Made Chunk not attack you if you convinced him thus in the endgame. Fixed some Ocean House rails, areaportals, shadows and a map hole. Adjusted volume of some NPC lines and removed doubled pier effects.
Thanks to all for keeping this great patching going! Wesp, has there been any changes to Unofficial Patch/Materials or Unofficial Patch/Models folders? The reason I ask is, since I use mods for skins and graphic upgrades (Portraits, Cars, Skyline and more) so it's always easiest to just copy over the new folders if they aren't changed. It's one of the main reasons I've asked in the past, for a little brief info on what files/folders are updated. @Katapagan, oh that Yugo. Haha, I always appreciated the irony of him driving a little car. To continue the humor, I might try to use the Scale command on the Limo (though I haven't even started a new game yet) to shrink it down really small.
Speaking of the Malk Maze, I must be doing something wrong. I get through the whole thing, with 2 different phone calls, but there is a section with a door in the roof. I use Auspex a lot and could see there are mobs up there, so I used noclip and there are passages up there, yet no real way to explore it afaik. When I exited it was into the room with 3 locked doors, when you normally check them so we can never enter the upside down maze. I checked it at all stages afaik, before and after each switch thrown. Iirc, in total I got 3 morphine, 2 phone calls and could exit the area, but not into maze. Also, yes I checked the Walkthrough.txt file, which was really vague.