Weatherlink 6510 Usb Installation Toyota
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Back to basics: First is your console receiving data from the ISS? Temperature, wind, etc. Is the data logger inserted into the Vue console?
Ios101g相关信息,Coastal Marine Electronics - Quality Marine Electronics. USB WeatherLink™ for Vantage Pro / Vantage Pro2 / Vantage Vue. This warranty does not cover damage due to improper installation or use, lightning, negligence.
Did you follow the proper procedure for inserting the data logger into the console? Remove all power (batteries and AC transformer) from the console before inserting the logger. Then plug the USB cable into the logger and then the cable into an open USB port on the computer. The computer will give you the typical 'found new hardware' message and install the needed software. Only after all this can you apply power to the console.
Maybe, just maybe Weatherlink will not see the station yet. Try restarting the computer. It always worked for me. If you selected 'USB' in the communication setup earlier you may have to convert it back to serial.
Although as long as you are using Weatherlink it will work fine in USB mode. Been there done that. There is a utility in the Davis folder to do this conversion if you want to. If you are planning on using any software other than Weatherlink you have to convert it back to serial. If you do all of what I described above it should work without having to reinstall everything. One of the reasons it is recommended that you reinstall the software is because it steps you through the process.

But as long as you use the proper steps to connect the logger to the console and to the computer it will set it up correctly with one exception. You will have to go to the device manager, under COM ports, and change the baud rate to 19,200 because the default is always something less. Did you follow the proper procedure for inserting the data logger into the console? Remove all power (batteries and AC transformer) from the console before inserting the logger. Then plug the USB cable into the logger and then the cable into an open USB port on the computer. The computer will give you the typical 'found new hardware' message and install the needed software.
Only after all this can you apply power to the console. Maybe, just maybe Weatherlink will not see the station yet. Try restarting the computer.
It always worked for me. Actually I didn't do this. But the computer do make a sound when I connect or disconnect the console.
The computer never did give the 'found new hardware' message, even when I unistalled the WeatherLink and then connected the console to USB. My own Windows 8.1 computer gave the message when I tested it. I can't install WeatherLink in my computer because my friend has only one user license (or I think that's the case). This is starting to be very annoying.
I still can't get it to work. I'll try uninstall everything and try again. If you haven't done this already - remove all power (batteries and AC adapter) from the console, unplug the logger, wait 1 minute, plug the logger back in, and only then re-insert batteries and connect AC adapter. Is there a chance your friend's computer has bad USB ports?
El Diablo Suelto Partitura Guitarra Pdf To Excel more. That is, if you plug some other USB device into the same port, does that work? Installing WeatherLink on another computer for testing/diagnostic purposes is quite acceptable and legal. So you could install it on your computer, using the same license. So, the problem is in my friends computer. In my computer I installed the WeatherLink and in communication port window I selected USB and hit 'Test' and all went well. The computer found VantageVue and shows information on screen. Serial settings didn't work.
My friends computers usb ports (2 of them) should be OK. Computer is a laptop Asus X501U. It has only two USB ports and for example has no dvd drive (we had to copy WeatherLink installation files to flash drive). USB port are ok, because mouse works in them. I should have to try this first But now.
Do we have to use my friends other computer. He bought this weather station for his skydiving/parachuting club to use in competitions, and the other laptop he has is his 'home computer', this if for traveling.