China Mobile Phone Download Mtk Usb Driver 6225

MTK GPRS USB Modem Free Drivers Download LG_KG_195_Drivers.rar,, Re: Download Free Usb Modem Drivers for China Mobile Phone.
Driver download USB driver for MT6218 chipset - USB driver for MT6225 chipset - USB driver for MT6225 chipset for Windows Vista - USB driver for MT6226 chipset - USB driver for MT6227 chipset - USB driver for MT6229 chipset - USB driver for MT6235 chipset - USB driver for MT6235 chipset for Windows Vista - USB driver for MT6513 chipset (2G Android phones) - USB driver for MT6516 chipset (2G Android phones) - USB driver for MT6573 chipset (3G Android phones) - Which chipset used by my phone? Connect phone to a new installed Windows XP computer, the computer will prompt 'New hardware found', choose the option of 'Mass storage' or 'COM port' in the phone, your computer will display the chipset model number, such as MT6235. Webcam driver - Webcam driver - USB upgrade cable driver - 2. Tools download. Dell Windows 7 Professional 64bit Sp1 Oem Iso 9001 more. PC suite software ( PC synchronization ) Phonesuite V2.0742 (for MT62XX chipset, not tested) - PC suite operation guide: Step 1: Find out chipsep moel: Connect phone to a new installed Windows XP computer, the computer will prompt 'New hardware found', choose the option of 'Mass storage' or 'COM port' in the phone, your computer will display the chipset model number, such as MT6235. Step 2: Download USB driver according to phone chipset from above list and install in the computer. Choose one of the PhoneSuite program according to phone chipset, install in computer.
Step 4: Connect the phone and computer by the USB cable which comes along with the phone, phone will prompt option of 'USB connection', 'Webcam' and 'COM port'. Choose 'COM port'. Launch PhoneSuite application, PhoneSuite will try to establish connection between phone and computer, PC synchronization can be operated after connection established. If connection couldn't be established, please select other COM port number for 'USB Modem Driver (COMX)' in hardware management ( Windows XP) and try again. User manual for PC suite.
MRP games If your phone doesn't support Java nor NES game, what to do? Is there a way to install new game? Here is a way to find out. Please input *#220807#, if your phone has any response, such as trying connect to internet, congratulations! Your phone might support MRP games.
If your phone doesn't have any response, it means it doesn't support MRP games. Step 1: Download this file, unzip it, create a folder named 'mythroad' or 'mulgame' or 'downdata/mr' in the memory card, copy the files in the zip archive into the folder of 'mythroad' or 'mulgame' or 'downdata/mr'.
Step 2: Download MRP game and copy *.mrp files to the folder of 'mythroad' or 'mulgame' or 'downdata/mr'. Step 3: Input *#220807#, you will see the game list, choose any of them to run.
Sample MRP game - More MRP game - Please note most MRP games in Chinese language only. Want more MRP game? Please download here: ( two Web sites are in Chinese language only, please try to use google translate to view the sites). Questions about China Android phones? Fisher Price Time To Play Dollhouse Downloads. Please visit Latest updated on June 11, 2010.