Does Louis Vuitton Purses Have Serial Number
Deb Control File Cydia Download. Today I’m going to share a good question from someone who bought a Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas Trevi PM bag from eBay: “Is this the number (serial number aka date code) that should match with the receipt product number? She filed an eBay dispute with the seller because after paying the bag, she thought the bag is not real. Seller provided original receipt from Louis Vuitton store but she compared the date code of the bag with the product number on the receipt.
They are not the same! This furthere enhanced the thought that the bag she bought was fake. The product number printed on the receipt however is N51997. This is the photo of the date code in the question: TH0028. Louis Vuitton date code is still such a mysterious subject to many and it is very common to confuse the date code printed somewhere on the bag with the product number printed on the Louis Vuitton store receipt. This particular date code printed on the lining inside the wall pocket of the bag means, Made in France, February 2008. While the official product number for this style Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas Trevi PM bag is N51997.
Same styled Louis Vuitton handbags only have one product number but can have different date codes/serial numbers printed on the bags depending on their manufacturing factories/the time they are produced. Hope it’s helpful. Happy shopping☺! More blog posts on.
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Louis Vuitton does not include serial numbers in its regular bags, but the company does include a date code on the interior tag or lining that is easy to identify. These date codes simply serve to identify the manufacturing location and date for a Louis Vuitton handbag, not to verify it's authenticity. With the exception of early handbags (early 1980s and older), date codes can be found on all Louis Vuitton handbags and other items made by the luxury brand (e.g.
Knowlege is power and together we can combat the counterfeit market. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ First of all, I must say Date Codes are not an absolute way to determine authentcity of Louis Vuitton items. Many Vintage Louis Vuitton do not have Date Codes at all and nowadays almost all fake bags have date codes. Date code (DC) is also commonly refered to as 'serial numbers' and can be used interchangeably.
DC were only widely used after the 1990's. The DC was meant for the use of Louis Vuitton employees internally to identify their own handbags. Not for authenticity purposes. Not all handbags with serial numbers are authentic and not all handbags without a serial number are fake. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Louis Vuitton made in the early 80's had three or four digits only and Louis Vuitton made in the late 80's had three or four digits followed by two letters. I've also seem some vintage handbags with one letter followed by 5 digits.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Date codes since the 90's consists of two letters followed by four numbers. The first two letters tell you 'the country where it is made' and the numbers tell you the 'month and year it was manufactured'. For defination of letters, refer to the following: (Be aware that this list is not complete and only Louis Vuitton has the complete list. The following is generated from personal experience): France: A1, A2, AA, AO, AC, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, CT, DU, ET, FL, FR, MB, MI, NO, ND, RA, RI, SD, SL, SN, SP, SR, TH, VI, VR USA: FC, FH, FF, LA, OS, SD Spain: CA, LO, LB, LM, LW Italy: CE, MA, SA Germany: LP __________________________________________________________________________________________ The following are some examples: Example I, Serial number 'SP0011' means the bag is made in France and it was made on January, 2001. You take the first and third digit as the month: 01 means January and you take the second and forth digit as the year: 01 means 2001 Example II, Serial number 'LA0999' means the bag is made in USA on 09 (means September, take first and third digit), year 1999 (take second and last digit 99 meaning year 1999, only last 2 digits of the year is displayed for simplicity) Now what do you think serial number 'CA0917' mean? Yes, your right, it means Made in Spain, January 1997. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Since January 2007, Louis Vuitton has yet adopted another serial number reading system.
Instead of first and third digit being the month, it now means the week of the year the bag was made. For example, VI 2007 translates 'Made in France 20th week of 2007 meaning around the third week of May.
This was perhaps changed to combat the counterfeit market. Now that you are an expert in reading Date code or Serial Numbers, I will continue to show you more ways to buy 100% Authentic Louis Vuitton.