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Similar Questions • I just download Microsoft Office 2010 Professional and then turns off the computer with XP operating system. Once I turned on the computer I got the following message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or damaged; System32 Drivers Ntfs.sys You can try to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD Select 'r' in the first screen to start repair.
Hirens bootcd 10 6 Software - Free Download hirens bootcd 10 6 - Top 4 Download - Top4Download.com offers free software downloads for. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot. Download Hiren's BootCD 15.2,download hiren's bootcd,download hirens bootcd,download hiren,hiren,download hiren's,hirens.

Then, I started the computer with the Original installation CD and press 'r' by following the instructions. Then, I received this message: 1: C: WINDOWS Which Windows installation you want to connect? (to cancel, press enter) What do I put here? You must first start on doing something so USB drive a bootable Hiren. Here's how: I'll recommend you use Hiren boot CD (it will go also to a flash/USB stick/USB). It's good for you, because there a lot of tools more on that on the Recovery Console CD of XP, doesn't your administrator passwords and you will not have to futz round in your BIOS, if any afflicted system has SATA drives - Hiren can deal with this.
You will have a bunch of great tools that you have in XP. Recovery Console an editor of the register, adjustable password and an office that resembles Windows XP so you will feel comfortable flexibility.
You can easily copy your personal data (documents, pictures, music) to an external drive. A system of work, start by downloading the latest version on Hiren Boot CD from here (it is a substantial download but worth it): (look to the bottom of the page). Unzip the Hiren to a folder where you can find it. There's a Hiren. BootCD.15.x.iso that you have to then. Hiren was instructed to make a bootable USB drive that you can use, but it takes you first burn the.iso to a CD image file and a few other measures, so I suggest another way and here's how: Download RUFUS 1.3.2 or whatever the latest version is here (read a few things on the page so you can learn more on this subject): I will warn to be careful that don't accidentally format you a hard disk - don't forget your USB key is in and know what the drive letter!
This part makes me still a little nervous, so be careful. Launch of RUFUS and all default values should be fine for the device, choose letter of your USB drive, quick tag format FAT32, it if you want and in the Format options box, click on the little icon that looks like a CD and a window will open. Navigate through this dialogue to point to the folder that contains the Hiren. BootCD.15.x.iso that you have unpacked above and the box should change to say the image ISO (RUFUS includes the Hiren ISO file). Double check you have the right device selected in the top (NOT you HDD) click Start, acknowledge receipt of the warning and let it finish (it will take a little time) it copies the files.
Hiren ISO is also a good size. When RUFUS is finished, it will say 'DONE' at the bottom. Put the USB in the afflicted machine and reset/reboot and regardless of the button you press to get a boot menu where you can select the USB drive as first boot device (it's F11 for me). If you do not see a start menu choice, you will need to set your BIOS to boot from USB first instead of the HARD disk. When the Hiren menu displays, choose the XP Mode of Mini and it will start loading (slowly from a USB key) and finally, you should see a windowsy looking for office.
You should recognize the part and feel uncomfortable, but it is not your office - the office of the Hiren! Remember: you do not start on your hard drive, - you started in the Office of the Hiren. A way to check the drive for errors is to open my computer and right-click on your afflicted player and choose Properties, tools, error, check checking now. Put a check mark in the boxes and then start. Sometimes that works, then you can also click on start, run and in the type box: cmd Click OK to open a command prompt window and enter the following command (assuming that XP is installed on your C drive) CHKDSK c: /r This disk check can last a long time (perhaps several to several hours) depending on the size of the volume, the amount of data on the volume and what the disk check finds to do.
You may need to run more than once. • My installation of Windows XP Edition family became damaged and would not start. I inserted the CD original and rebooted. The PC has started from the CD. It was not long before I got this error message: File setupdd.sys could not be loaded.
The error code is 32 768. Is there something I can do? You need a Windows XP replacement CD-ROM, looks like your current drive is corrupt. How to replace Microsoft software • the application could not start because the configuration of the incorrect application of reinstallation of the application can solve the problem by Insalling Vmware tools so that windows server 2003.
PFA Ranjana, Please, review the vminst.log file located in% TEMP and see if we could see related errors. Otherwise follow the troubleshooting steps below; 1. Check that the guest operating system that you want to install VMware Tools is fully certified. Check that the correct guest operating system is selected 3. Check that the good ISO image is loaded. For more information, see. Check that the VMware Tools ISO image has not been damaged.
For more information, see. If you are installing a Windows operating system, make sure that you do not encounter problems with your Windows registry database.
For more information about the resolution of the problems of register with VMware Tools, see. If you install on a 64-bit Linux guest OS, make sure that there are no missing dependencies. For more information, see.
If your problem persists, please refer to: or contact support. ~ dGeorgey • After a session 2 nites E-mail there, many programs said message error 'could not start program from this location. In addition, long delays after you clicked on a link, a large display hourglass for up to several minutes.
Have tried to rebuild, but I think that the problem is still there. Any suggestions? What is a 'mail session? What is, 'have tried to rebuild?' Edition with Service Pack of Windows XP _ _? What anti-virus application that you use, and if she slept in day? Search for malware: Download, install, execute, update and perform analyses complete system with the two following applications: • • Remove anything they find.
Reboot when necessary. (You can uninstall one or both when finished.) Search online with.
The less you have to run all the time, most things you want to run will perform: Use to understand this all starts when your computer's / when you log in. Look for whatever it is you do not know using (or ask here.) You can hopefully figure out if there are things from when your computer does (or connect) you don't not need and then configure them (through their own built-in mechanisms is the preferred method) so they do not - start using your resources without reason. You can download and use to see exactly what is taking your time processor/CPU and memory. This can help you to identify applications that you might want to consider alternatives for and get rid of all together. Do a house cleaning and the dust of this hard drive: You can free up disk space (will also help get rid of the things that you do not use) through the following steps: Windows XP should take between 4.5 and 9 GB * with * an Office suite, editing Photo software, alternative Internet browser (s), various Internet plugins and a host of other things installed. If you are comfortable with the stability of your system, you can delete the uninstall of patches which has installed Windows XP.
(Especially of interest here - #4) (Variant: ) You can run disk - integrated into Windows XP - cleanup to erase everything except your last restore point and yet more 'free '. Files cleaning How to use disk cleanup You can disable hibernation if it is enabled and you do not. When you Hibernate your computer, Windows saves the contents of the system memory in the hiberfil.sys file. As a result, the size of the hiberfil.sys file will always be equal to the amount of physical memory in your system. If you don't use the Hibernate feature and want to reclaim the space used by Windows for the hiberfil.sys file, perform the following steps: -Start the Control Panel Power Options applet (go to start, settings, Control Panel, and then click Power Options).
-Select the Hibernate tab, uncheck 'Activate the hibernation', and then click OK. Although you might think otherwise, selecting never under 'Hibernate' option on the power management tab does not delete the hiberfil.sys file. -Windows remove the 'Hibernate' option on the power management tab and delete the hiberfil.sys file. You can control the amount of space your system restore can use. Click Start, right click my computer and then click Properties. Click on the System Restore tab.
Highlight one of your readers (or C: If you only) and click on the button 'settings'. 4 change the percentage of disk space you want to allow. I suggest moving the slider until you have about 1 GB (1024 MB or close to that.) 5.
Then click OK again. You can control the amount of space used may or may not temporary Internet files. Empty the temporary Internet files and reduce the size, that it stores a size between 64 MB and 128 MB.
-Open a copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer. -Select TOOLS - Internet Options. -On the general tab in the section 'Temporary Internet files', follow these steps: -Click on 'Delete the Cookies' (click OK) -Click on 'Settings' and change the 'amount of disk space to use: ' something between 64 MB and 128 MB. (There may be many more now.) -Click OK.
-Click on 'Delete files', then select 'Delete all offline content' (the box), and then click OK. (If you had a LOT, it can take 2 to 10 minutes or more). -Once it's done, click OK, close Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer. You can use an application that scans your system for the log files and temporary files and use it to get rid of those who: CCleaner (free!) (just disk cleanup - do not play with the part of the registry for the moment) Other ways to free up space.
SequoiaView JDiskReport Those who can help you discover visually where all space is used. Then, you can determine what to do. After that - you want to check any physical errors and fix everything for efficient access' CHKDSK * will take time and a reboot. Defragment * will take time Cleaning the components of update on your Windows XP computer While probably not 100% necessary-, it is probably a good idea at this time to ensure that you continue to get the updates you need. This will help you ensure that your system update is ready to do it for you. Download and run the MSRT tool manually: (Ignore the details and download the tool to download and save to your desktop, run it.) Reset.
Download/install the latest program Windows installation (for your operating system): (Windows XP 32-bit: ) (Download and save it to your desktop, run it.) Reset. Download the latest version of Windows Update (x 86) agent here. And save it to the root of your C: drive. After you register on the root of the C: drive, follow these steps: Close all Internet Explorer Windows and other applications.
AutoScan-->RUN and type:%SystemDrive% windowsupdateagent30-x86.exe /WUFORCE -->Click OK. (If asked, select 'Run'). -->Click on NEXT-->select 'I agree' and click NEXT-->where he completed the installation, click 'Finish'. Now reset your Windows with this FixIt components update (you * NOT * use the aggressive version): Reset. Now that your system is generally free of malicious software (assuming you have an AntiVirus application), you've cleaned the 'additional applications' that could be running and picking up your precious memory and the processor, you have authorized out of valuable and makes disk space as there are no problems with the drive itself and your Windows Update components are updates and should work fine - it is only only one other thing you pouvez wish to make: Get and install the hardware device last drivers for your system hardware/system manufacturers support and/or download web site. If you want, come back and let us know a bit more information on your system - particularly the brand / model of the system, you have - and maybe someone here can guide you to the place s x of law to this end. This isn't 100% necessary - but I'd be willing to bet that you would gain some performance and features in making this part.
Hello everyone, I solved the problem. The problem is a corrupted, file called 'secdrv.sys.
To resolve this problem, I had to first download the file 'secdrv.sys' out of my operating system CD. To do this, you must create a partition and 'mount' a file on CD, on the newly created partition. The file you have to climb is and is called: '*: sources install.wim. Extending.wim means a 'file system Windows Image' and to see what files it contains, you will need to download what we call the 'Windows Automated Installation Kit'. Explicit instructions on the installation procedure and where to get this program, is here: '. Once you have the file mounted, just search the area mounted for 'secdrv.sys', then copy and paste it in 'C: Windows System32 drivers' or that where the drivers from your system. After that, restart and the BFE service and all of its dependencies should work properly.
Thanks for the good help like SpiritX. Hello everyone, I solved the problem.
The problem is a corrupted, file called 'secdrv.sys. To resolve this problem, I had to first download the file 'secdrv.sys' out of my operating system CD. To do this, you must create a partition and 'mount' a file on CD, on the newly created partition. The file you have to climb is and is called: '*: sources install.wim. Extending.wim means a 'file system Windows Image' and to see what files it contains, you will need to download what we call the 'Windows Automated Installation Kit'. Explicit instructions on the installation procedure and where to get this program, is here: '.
Once you have the file mounted, just search the area mounted for 'secdrv.sys', then copy and paste it in 'C: Windows System32 drivers' or that where the drivers from your system. After that, restart and the BFE service and all of its dependencies should work properly. Thanks for the good help like SpiritX. • After you have installed the driver for the zune hd, I was asked to restart my computer. After the reboot, start froze on a white screen. I've seen this before and it is usually because of some connected usb components.
So I manually powered down the Tower, disconnected the cable from zune and restarted. This time a screen saying that windows could not start, 'launch Startup Repair tool' was recommended. Select this habit makes the startup hang to the progress bar from Microsoft corporation, then to a completely white screen. Although strangely, once only a blue error screen appears which says that the BIOS is not acpi compatible. I can't restart with F8 to go into safe mode, 'windows error recovery' still appears.
'Start windows normally'produces the same results as the tool to restart launch system. ' I have a drive to upgrade to windows 7 and a windows XP upgrade disk. The disc of windows 7 hangs at 'starting windows' and the XP disc gives a blue screen error: stop: 0x0000007B (0xF78D2524, 0c 0000034, 0 x 00000000, 0 x 00000000). The machine is a gateway LX6810-01 (friend motherboard) Hello 1. What is the exact error message when Windows Vista does not start?
You have the disk Installation of Windows Vista operating system? I suggest you change the mode of RAMA to IDE in the BIOS.
You can contact the PC manufacturer for assistance. Note: BIOS change / oxide of additional metal (CMOS) semiconductor parameters incorrectly can causeserious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the configuration of the BIOS/CMOS settings can be solved. Changes to settings are at your own risk. In addition, perform a check disk in Windows Recovery Mode. (a) Insert the Windows Vista installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.
(b) press a key when the message 'Press any key to boot from CD or DVD'. (c) select a language, an hour and the currencyand a keyboard or an input method, and then click Next. Download Fox Float Rp23 Manual Transfer. (d) click on check drive for errors. (e) in the System Recovery Options dialog box, select the drive of your Windows installation and click Next (f) to the System Recovery Options dialog box, click on check Drive for errors.
(g) use the switch/r to run the disk check. Important: Running chkdsk on the drive if bad sectors are found on the disk hard when chkdsk attempts to repair this area if all available on which data may be lost It will be useful. • I've updated pctools free and there was a mistake by because it came when the computer restarts, Windows could not start. A recent Ministry of hardware or software may be the cause. To solve the problem. Insert the windows installation disc and restart your computer. Choose your language settings, and then click 'next'.
Click on 'repair your computer'. File: windows system drivers PCTCore.sys status: 0xc0000098 Info: windows could not load a critical system driver is missing or corrupt. I tried I went to my computers startup options advanced and tried to run in safe mode, but the same previous screen came. Each option in my boot options is the same screen. I realize that to solve this problem, I might have to reload my OS together. I tried to put what I believe to be the installation disc in and restart but it starts and says the same message.
I don't know how to start from the DVD. Someone at - it solutions? Change the boot order in the BIOS to boot from the CD drive first. How to change the boot sequence in the BIOS C: windows system32 drivers pctcore.sys file information • Original title: Windows could not start. Windows could not start.
A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To solve the problem: (1) Insert your disc to Installations of Windows, and then restart your computer (2) select language settings, and then click 'next'.
3) click on 'repair your computer'. If you do not have the disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.
File: Windows system32 drivers volsnap.sys Status: 0xc0000221 Info: Windows could not load a critical system driver is missing or corrupt. *** Whenever I restart the computer, this is the window that appears and I can't go in front of her. It cannot boot without failure, or any other mode. ANY help is appreciated!
Political Theory By Rajeev Bhargava Pdf Converter. I don't have the original installation disc for Windows. And since I can't go beyond that I can't the product key. My computer is a Sony Viao VGN-N350E mnmshemi Hello the link below is how to download and get a vista disk startup repair, which you can start from the Here's how to use startup repair system restore command prompt, etc. To bleepingcomputers link below to boot from the dvd drive to be able to you will see a way to get into the bios Setup at the bottom of the screen or command menu start It would be F2 or delete etc to enter the BIOS or F12 etc.
Maybe you are looking for • I need to clean and reload Windows XP Home Edition on my netbook because of spyware and viruses., but I can't read the product key on the label because it is worn off the coast or rub off from sweat or use. Is there a way to find this key else where? • whenever I play after the end of the song, it restarts. How can I fix without losing my music • Hi, my computer is a Windows Vista Ultimate, Intel Core to Duo T7700 2.4 GHz, 4 GB of RAM, 2 GB of RAM, blah blah blah, video Total rest is not necessary. Anyway, I wanted to know how to increase my DEDICATED VIDEO RAM, not the total. Currently, my d • Hello I have a PC running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.
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Hiren’s BootCD 14.0 (HBCD) is free bootable CD contains series of softwares use to analyz, recover and fix computer when operating system not able to boot up. The softwares in HBCD divided into categories including antivirus, backup, BIOS/CMOS, browser, file manager, cleaner, editors, file viewers, filesystems, hard disk, MBR, MSDOS, network, optimizers and others. With changes from version 13.2 to 14.0, HBCD folders have restructured and more utility software added into to strengthen it functionality including: - Dialupass 3.16: Find and extract Username, Password, and Domain of DialUp/RAS/VPN networking in Windows. - Image For Windows 2.62a: Backup and restore utility that creates a snapshot of a selected partition or volume, and saves it to disk, or burns it directly to most DVD+RW+R-R-RW or CD-R/RW drives. - Parted Magic 6.1: Linux based rescue environment to manage partitions, backup and recovery such as GParted, Parted, Partition Image, TestDisk, Partimage, Truecrypt, Clonezilla, G4L, Firefox, ClamAV, GSmartControl, SimpleBurn, dd, ddrescue, with supported following file systems: btrfs, ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs +, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs. - WebBrowserPassView 1.11: View user names and passwords stored by Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Internet explorer Web browsers. WinKeyfinder has removed from HBCD 14.0 and following softwares have been updated: - Autologon 3.01 - Autoruns 10.07 - Avira AntiVir Personal () - Calcute 11.5.15 - ComboFix () - Don’t Sleep 2.31 - Dos - Dr.Web CureIt!
Antivirus () - GRUB4DOS 2011-04-23 - isolinux/memdisk 4.04 - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 () - MiniXp - Offline NT Password 2011-05-11 - PhotoRec 6.12 - Process Explorer 14.12 - Process Monitor 2.95 - RKill () - Spybot – Search & Destroy 1.6.2 () - SpywareBlaster 4.4 () - SumatraPDF 1.1 - SuperAntispyware 4.53.1000 () - System Explorer 2.8.1 - TCPView 3.04 - TestDisk 6.12 Check out the full content if Hiren’ BootCD 14.0 at here and if you like to have old version of Hiren’ BootCD then you can find from Hiren’ BootCD all version page []. Regards, Alex Lim ~BD~ 08:31.
Pupuweb Blog wrote: >Hiren’s BootCD 14.0 (HBCD) is free bootable CD contains series of >softwares use to analyz, recover and fix computer when operating >system not able to boot up. The softwares in HBCD divided into >categories including antivirus, backup, BIOS/CMOS, browser, file >manager, cleaner, editors, file viewers, filesystems, hard disk, MBR, >MSDOS, network, optimizers and others. [.] >Regards, >Alex Lim >Thank you for that, Alex! With a view to assisting a friend, I've downloaded the Zip file and opened same. I now have an ISO Disk Image file which I'm fairly sure I can burn to a CD. If I do this, and my friend places same in his computer with a view to booting from the disk, will it simply 'work' and give him access to the tools? I have a vague notion that another step is required!
Advice on this matter will be much appreciated. On Mon, 30 May 2011 16:31:00 +0100, ~BD~ wrote: >pupuweb Blog wrote: >>Hiren’s BootCD 14.0 (HBCD) is free bootable CD contains series of >>softwares use to analyz, recover and fix computer when operating system >>not able to boot up.
The softwares in HBCD divided into categories >>including antivirus, backup, BIOS/CMOS, browser, file manager, cleaner, >>editors, file viewers, filesystems, hard disk, MBR, MSDOS, network, >>optimizers and others. >[.] >>Regards, >>Alex Lim >>I'd use the authors homepage, or at least, run a MD5 on the image before using it.
>I now have an ISO Disk Image file which I'm fairly sure I can burn to a >CD. >>If I do this, and my friend places same in his computer with a view to >booting from the disk, will it simply 'work' and give him access to the >tools?
>>I have a vague notion that another step is required! You have to alter the bios so it will boot from the CD first. Other than that, nothing. []'s s b 10:29. On Mon, 30 May 2011 07:35:26 -0700 (PDT), pupuweb Blog wrote: >Hiren’s BootCD 14.0 (HBCD) is free bootable CD contains series of >softwares use to analyz, recover and fix computer when operating >system not able to boot up.
I posted about HBCD a while ago, because I thought all warez were gone and the CD contained only freeware. This is not true, the CD still contains (illegal) payware. You can check this on Hiren's website: Mini Windows 98 and Mini Windows XP are both payware.
(Still a great CD to have though. -) -- s b s b 10:32. On Mon, 30 May 2011 16:31:00 +0100, ~BD~ wrote: >With a view to assisting a friend, I've downloaded the Zip file and >opened same.
>>I now have an ISO Disk Image file which I'm fairly sure I can burn to a CD. If you extract Hiren's.BootCD.14.0.iso, then you can burn it as an image. However, if you need to change the keyboard (because it's AZERTY for instance), then it's best that you extract everything and run HBCDCustomizer.exe. >If I do this, and my friend places same in his computer with a view to >booting from the disk, will it simply 'work' and give him access to the >tools? Why wouldn't it? Does he have a Mac?
-- s b ~BD~ 00:25. ~BD~ wrote: >~BD~ wrote: >>>Is *anyone* here able to advise? >>My thanks to 'UnsteadyKen', Dave Doe, 'sh@adow' and 'sjb' for their >helpful comments. >>I'll burn that ISO image later today and give it a whirl on an XP machine. I burnt an ISO image onto a CD using my iMac - no problem!:-) I've subsequently tried to boot my XP test machine using the disk and draw a blank!:-( I get this error! 'DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER' I wondered about BIOS settings and played for a while without any change. I then tried booting from my retail XP Home CD - and the computer booted up immediately, so I deduce that something must be wrong with the procedure of trying to boot from an ISO image!
Advice still needed and welcomed! TIA Dave Mike Easter 10:11. ~BD~ wrote: >I burnt an ISO image onto a CD using my iMac - no problem!:-) >>I've subsequently tried to boot my XP test machine using the disk and >draw a blank!:-( >>I get this error! >>'DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER' If a boot disk.iso is not 'properly' burned, you will end up with an.iso file-containing data disk instead of a bootable CD So, the necessary ingredients are a proper.iso, which in the case of Hiren's would optimally be obtained from one of the reliable Hiren's sources. There are many sources of Hiren's some of which are 'evil', since Hiren's has a rep for containing a 'mixture' of freeware and copyrighted ware, it has been considered 'fair game' for nefarious sorts, just like other pirated ware. Hiren's today is mostly freeware, much less copyright ware than earlier versions.
I don't know which Hiren's sources are just healthy 'alternates' and which Hiren's sources are evil -- but I do know that I consider a reliable way to download Hiren's and I consider Hiren's info source a reliable source of info about Hiren's You might compare the md5 for the files you have against thos at the.org site Filename: Hirens.BootCD.14.0.zip Filesize: 495.14 MB (519189647 bytes) ISO MD5: 69F36D88FD971CF6A7EDA9286D5E19F0 ZIP MD5: 38CF0B0D2B8AC60B6783CF. But the.info site doesn't have any info about where to dl from. The.info site just has other freeware tools not Hiren's. >I wondered about BIOS settings and played for a while without any change. >>I then tried booting from my retail XP Home CD - and the computer booted >up immediately, so I deduce that something must be wrong with the >procedure of trying to boot from an ISO image! You might diagnose a wrpmg burn condition if you look at the disk with your Win and just see one big.iso file on it. I don't have a Hiren's 14; but my bootable Hiren's 10.4 directory shows an autorun.inf, BootCD.txt, Windows Menu.cmd, and a HBCD folder -- Mike Easter ~BD~ 01:29.
Mike Easter wrote: >~BD~ wrote: >>>I burnt an ISO image onto a CD using my iMac - no problem!:-) >>>>I've subsequently tried to boot my XP test machine using the disk and >>draw a blank!:-( >>>>I get this error! >>>>'DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER' >>If a boot disk.iso is not 'properly' burned, you will end up with an >.iso file-containing data disk instead of a bootable CD >>So, the necessary ingredients are a proper.iso, which in the case of >Hiren's would optimally be obtained from one of the reliable Hiren's >sources. There are many sources of Hiren's some of which are 'evil', >since Hiren's has a rep for containing a 'mixture' of freeware and >copyrighted ware, it has been considered 'fair game' for nefarious >sorts, just like other pirated ware. >>Hiren's today is mostly freeware, much less copyright ware than earlier >versions. >>I don't know which Hiren's sources are just healthy 'alternates' and >which Hiren's sources are evil -- but I do know that I consider >reliable way to download Hiren's >and I consider Hiren's info source a reliable source of info about >Hiren's That's where the OP directed me!
>You might compare the md5 for the files you have against thos at the >.org site >>Filename: Hirens.BootCD.14.0.zip >Filesize: 495.14 MB (519189647 bytes) >ISO MD5: 69F36D88FD971CF6A7EDA9286D5E19F0 >ZIP MD5: 38CF0B0D2B8AC60B6783CF Looks identical to me. But the.info site doesn't have any info about where to dl from. The >.info site just has other freeware tools not Hiren's. >>>I wondered about BIOS settings and played for a while without any change. >>>>I then tried booting from my retail XP Home CD - and the computer >>booted up immediately, so I deduce that something must be wrong with >>the procedure of trying to boot from an ISO image! >>You might diagnose a wrpmg (TYPO????) burn condition if you look at the disk with >your Win and just see one big.iso file on it.
I *do* see one single ISO file >I don't have a Hiren's 14; but my bootable Hiren's 10.4 directory shows >an autorun.inf, BootCD.txt, Windows Menu.cmd, and a HBCD folder Ah! That might be where I went wrong. There were a number of files contained within the.zip file downloaded. I just selected the single 'iso file and burned that. I'll try again and see if I can burn the whole folder.
Thanks, Mike. Richard Colton 05:16. ~BD~ wrote: >Mike Easter wrote: >>~BD~ wrote: >>>>>I burnt an ISO image onto a CD using my iMac - no problem!:-) You didn't handle the burn method properly. >>>I get this error! >>>>>>'DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER' >>>>If a boot disk.iso is not 'properly' burned, you will end up with an >>.iso file-containing data disk instead of a bootable CD >Ah! That might be where I went wrong.
There were a number of files >contained within the.zip file downloaded. I just selected the single >'iso file and burned that. I'll try again and see if I can burn the >whole folder. No; that isn't the problem. The.zip may contain some other files for doing some other functions, but the.iso contained is the.iso which needs to be burned as a boot disk, not as a data file. -- Mike Easter Mike Easter 05:41.
On Thu, 02 Jun 2011 09:29:31 +0100, ~BD~ wrote: >>I don't have a Hiren's 14; but my bootable Hiren's 10.4 directory shows >>an autorun.inf, BootCD.txt, Windows Menu.cmd, and a HBCD folder >Ah! That might be where I went wrong. There were a number of files >contained within the.zip file downloaded. I just selected the single >'iso file and burned that.
I'll try again and see if I can burn the >whole folder. You need to burn the ISO as an image. That should work. -- s b s b 06:13. Il 13:48, Mike Easter ha scritto: >fm2766 wrote: >>Mike Easter ha scritto: >>>No; that isn't the problem.
The.zip may contain some other files for >>>doing some other functions. >>>>>>I was wondering just that.
There is some file (doc, txt, pdf.) >>that explains what are the other files? >>If that is a question. Yes, it is:-) >Hiren's.zip contains the.iso, a burner and burner command tool, a >changes and list of the.iso's tools text files, and some keyboard patch >tools and instructions to use them in a.zip inside the.zip. You can >use those tools to modify the.iso's keyboard.bat file and make a new >.iso so that it will boot into some other keyboard layout.
Thank you very much:-) gumpo.@gmail.com 10:20.